Monday, September 24

Gordons Balls

Was on ma way into work this morning when the gadgie on Radio Tuecther mentioned “Classic Strachan” coming up. So after being away from the laptop yesterday i found the said “classic Strachan”interview.

It is classic, it’s classic crap....what game was he watching wie this extract.

"The only thing I am not going away with is points," he said.
"One would have been a bit of an injustice and not getting any is quite ridiculous.

"In the number of times we have been to Edinburgh against Hearts and Hibs, that is without doubt the best we have played.

"What I'm seeing at the moment is what I want. I want energy, I want flair and I want variation.

"Am I going away a disappointed man? Yes, because of the result.

"The performance was fantastic and everyone is scratching their heads.
"We should never have got beaten there."

Energy, flair and invention, fantastic performance and best we have played in Edinburg? I saw a game, while being a classic in terms of entertainment, it was poor on the technical side wie misplaced passes and school boy errors being the order of the day.

Also, while we didnae deserve to lose the game, we certainly didnae deserve to win and certainly didnae dominate enough for oor manager to have this view. The Pole in the goal was willing to come oot and admit mistakes- well he couldnae really deny them-, Arfur needs to really have big shoulders as the amount of flack he is going to get due to him, being the most hated player in Scotland since Lenny left will keep the internet hardmen going for months and him doing a wee stupid dance didnae help his cause.

But we need characters and he has shown character by his comments, maybe oor manager should just come oot and say the truth instead of making himself look like a bad loser.



ianinjesi said...

I have to take your word about the game although despite the radio commentator and Murdo MacLeod getting far too high everytime Hibs attacked. Well done Murdo, you`ll still have your job next week. :-)Thank goodness because the rest of them are impossible!!!
Going on the radio commentary, I`m just happy that we kept it to 3-2.
Kevin, as for your dismay on the previous thread about a skillful team not delivering, I heard the interview with MON and how Aston Villa are developing...Solid defence, pace on the wings, hard to beat. Not always great to watch but it would be a useful plan B!

ianinjesi said...

CQN reaction!
Talk about panic? Worthy of the radio phone ins!
Last season we won the double and there was misery. No excitement, no skill, no pace. This season we have seen some goal sprees, qualification for the CL over the Russian league leaders and two defeats in the last two matches.
Jings crivens help my Bobo!

Keving said...

Ian- Hibs deserved a point, they had a few chances but so did was one of those which in the long run i don't think will be to damaging

I have to laugh at MON...if you ever get the chance to watch Villa..make sure you are in a comfy seat...Bolton in Claret and Blue.....but would be glad if we had a plan B..a plan B that wisnny Kris Killen and JVOH up front.

CQN Reatction...will go and check it oot...but....i wanted excitment..i wanted flair..i wanted variation...but unlike GS i never saw much yesterday...but i did see a entertaining game with two dodgy defences

Thing is the way we play and the way we set up be prepared for more afternoons like yesterday...if it wisnny for Arfur i agree wie Baldy i reckon we would have won easily...but hey ho....

Just need to end oor losing streak on Wednesday night against Dundee...wonder if Chris Killen and Deek will get a start..

Keving said...

I've checked it's amazing that the same bhoys only appear after defeats and it's the same bhoys who seem to have their heids buried in the sand...

I'm not to worried, like after the Newcastle pre-season game i have seen nuthin that canny be sorted...but the longer it goes on before it's sorted the more i feel that the lack of forward planning and kudos not being spent in the summer will come back to bite us.

Maybe GS thought he could turn a defence wie Wilson, Mick, Caldwell and Naylor into a tight unit...i hope he is trying...or the accusations of bad management will stick.

Anonymous said...

Had a break from Cyber Timdom since Sunday and I can see exactly where your coming from Iain.

I still think except at LB we can sort out most problems with the personnel in place to keep us both in Europe and the hunt for the SPL. However, the attitude of the team & management needs to be right. At present not sure that it is.

Too many in the last few games have disappeared IMO and need to take a hard look at themselves.

I don't want them to become 'Bad Losers' as in rude and arrogant to the opposition, but I do expect that the players develop the professional Southern Hemisphere attitude to winning and losing. If we win, great lets make sure we keep doing it, if we lose, lets make sure it doesn't happen again if we can help it.

Hopefully the AFL fitness Coach will help with this 'culture development'.

sixtaeseven said...

Dock their wages, that's what I say

Seriously, do Tic players get a win bonus for the bread & butter games (or any games for that matter)?.

If so - or maybe even if not - surely there should be a lose malus?

It's all about money these days, lads, everybody's their own chief executive.

Keving said...

Six- if it is built into their contracts, i think Skoosh has one that if he plays he gets an extra £10,000 oh and The Grav had one that if he played he got a sweetie, then they will get win and appearance bonus.

The squad get a bonus for winning things and qualification for the CL, which is basically a pot of cash divvied up between them.

Baldy- i agree one of ma main gripes aboot Lenny was he was a bad loser esp at Ipox. You take it on the chin dust yerself down and get on wie it....

Bit like Ian's gripe wie the gloating advertising and music etc at half time...

you can win wie dignity..can i say that here...?